Revamping The Castle: De-clutter Along Week 1

After reading a post on Kath Eats Real Food, I was inspired to simplify and overhaul my apartment.  Me and my boy are going on 3 years of living in the same apartment.  This is the longest I have lived in a place since 2003.  So not moving means, not going through things, and accumulating too much.  Sometimes if feels like the walls are closing in.  Well no more. I am setting a goal for myself.  I want to declutter all the rooms/ areas of my house by Nov. 1.  In some cultures Nov. 1 marks the beginning of a new year.  The actualy New Year Jan. 1 is a bit too far off.  So,  Nov. 1 sounds like a better date.  I have designated 7 areas or zones that I am going to target.  I have 8 weeks, or 59 days.

I thought we could make this a declutter along, and you guys could let me know how things are going for you and share any good ideas you come across.

The Zones
1. Bedroom
2. Linen Closet
3. Kitchen
4. Bathroom
5. Living Room6. Outside Closet
7. Craft-room (This one is mostly finished but could use some polishing up.)

Monday De-clutter Along Week #1
I started #1 the bedroom today and am about 1/2 way done.  I will be doing further posts and updates as I move through the zones.  So Keep an Key out on Monday's for the Weekly De-clutter Along Updates


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