Birthday Wishes and Pirate dreams

First off
Well, isn't quite so baby anymore being that he is turning 23 today. Please everyone, wish him a happy birthday!

Now down to business, it's just about that time of year again. The NorCal Pirate festival is coming up and only a few days away.

I am scrambling to get everything finished. For the most part my costume is ready. I have finished my gun, my head pieces is done, my over skirt ect. And I am getting really excited. So, last night I decided to google and see if we made it to anyone else's gallery... we did. Only one, but hey, they must have like our costumes.

Here is the gallery we were feature in gallery

In other news, I am done with Howard's vest. (Sorry about the bad picture, I will post a better one when I get one) I finished it this afternoon. I am happy with how it turned out. I was originally thinking, I didn't need to line it. I am glad I changed my mind. The perfectionist got the best of me. The lining also made all the edges cleaner looking. It would have been a mess trying to fold over the edges of all those curves. Below is the work in progress picture. Lemme know what you think.

The closue is 2 pieces of leather one side is sewn to the vest and the other is Velcro shut. I added a button on each end just to add some detailing. I think it is looking pretty good and should complement the pants he picked out.

Here are the pants he will wear with the vest. They are Japanese construction pants. He got them while visiting his girly over in japan. I am not sure what shirt he will be wearing, but I think it is going to look great.

BTW, thanks for your input everyone. I decided on using the darker, wrong side of the vest fabric and it will contrast well with these pants.

Well that is all for now. Keep your eyes open for wedding dress progress pictures and I will be back later.

Happy Sewing!


  1. You roooock!!! So talented, and finished in a flash too! Nice button detailing! Congrats on the gallery feature!


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