FO- 1947 Dress

Hello All,

I couldn't wait till a decent hour to post my latest almost finished object (FO). Tonight my time has been consumed by my 1947 dress I started last week. I had cut out the pieces and but had been procrastinating on actually starting the sewing. I am glad I did because it only took me one night to sew! I have to say this was one of the easier dresses I have made in a while and it fits PERFECTLY. Below are some pictures of it on my dress form. I still need to hem the bottom, but you can see what it looks like still.

The pattern I used was Butterick's Retro 1947 dress pattern B5209

It is a great pattern. It is wonderful for both those of us with more chest than necessary, and those who wish they had a bit more. The whole pattern consists of about 10 or 11 pieces total! The construction is pretty self explanatory. Just pay attention to the order you sew them together. I have a habit of getting ahead of myself and messing up steps. On this dress I sewed the front midriff together and ended up with a donut of fabric I couldn't turn inside out. If the directions are followed in the right order the first time (blushes) it would have been done in just a couple hours.

There were a couple things that I did differently from the pattern. For one I made a contrasting midriff. The only issue with this is the colors doing meet up but I still think it gives it an interesting look. Also, it asked you to gather the skirts to give it some fullness. I personally prefer using pleating. It gives it a more uniform look and you don't have to deal with a string that may possibly break while gathering. I have to say this is one of the better zipper jobs I have done as well! Pretty happy with it.

The pattern comes in two styles halter and sleeved. I made the sleeved, view B. I am going to try and make the halter, view A out of another fabric I have. We will see if it works. I am worried about bunching and fabric not falling right around the armpit. Wish me luck.

A little FYI. If you have a hard time finding vintage dresses in your size most major pattern companies sell vintage reproductions. This was butterick. Vogue has a vintage vogue section. I believe McCall's and Simplicity carry retro patterns too. They may not be labeled as such but they have the vintage silhouette.

Well I am off to bed now. Just couldn't stop till that zipper was in!
Happy Sewing Everyone!

Enjoy this little video

1950's Silhouette


  1. I really like the contrast midriff! Can't wait to see you in it :D

  2. Did you line this dress. I am going to be sewing the same pattern this week and I am unsure if I should line or just wear a slip.

  3. The dress is self lined. The pattern has you double up the top pieces and the way you sew it it is lined. The skirt isn't lined, so if you are making it out of a sheer fabric you will need a slip or to put in your won lining. The lining in the top half allows you to have nice clean lines when you are finishing it.

  4. So, when you say self lined...does that mean I will be cutting out 4 pieces of the same fabric like of the sleeves and the rest of the top? Thanks so much, I am completely self taught so I occasionally get into a bind.


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