Update: Wedding Dress

Soo I am done with the top half of Kelly's wedding dress!  So that means I am 50% done with her dress.  I finished the neck line and arm holes to day.
The neck line was finished with covered cording.  It was used to hide the seam between the lining and the outer layers. This effect is done by sewing a cord tightly in the fabric of the dress.  Next you lay the cording on the right side of the fabric, matching raw edges and sew tightly against the cording with a zipper foot.  Next you do sew the lining on the right side of the fabric ontop of the cording, matching raw edges and stitching tightly against the cording.

Lastly you turn the lining to the back and Wha Laa, you have a nicely trimmed seam!

For the arm holes I folded the fabric layer under about half an inch and did the same to the lining but made it slightly shorter than the fabric, just enough that it wouldn't show front outside but still covered the raw edges of the front fabric.
I pinned everything in place and hand stitched it like a hem.  This was really easy to do and only took me about an hour total with pinning and sewing.  I really like the way it turned out.  later we are going to add beading to the arms and neck of this dress. I can't wait till we get that started, it will bring the dress to a whole new level!

Well that is all for now, next steps are
cutting out skirt pieces, and stitching the skirt together!  Keep your eyes open for more updates

Happy Sewing!


  1. it looks wonderful, hon!

  2. I LOVE that fabric. Can't wait to see it done.


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