Wanna Lend a Hand?

Hello All,

I would like to start with an apology for shamlessly using my blog to help this cause.  But, I am trying to get the word out however I can.  Check back later for updates on the wedding dress progress.

If you didn't know already, I am a High School Special Ed Teacher.  You have probably heard about all budget cuts that have been happening, well they are really starting to hit hard.  In an attempt to get my students what we need I have started getting creative.  I am trying to raise money for supplies for a couple different areas of our class.  One being the need for timers, the second the need for white boards.  So, if you would like to, click the link below, take a look and if the mood strikes you donate a little to help the kiddos!  I promise you they will appreciate whatever you could spare.

Watching Time Fly - The timers help keep them on task, focus and give them a sense of control over their day. 
All a board - We need white boards desk top white boards for our small groups so that the students can follow along and have the visual support that then need to be successful.

Ok, I am done with my shameless begging for supplies.  Have a wonderful day everyone!

Happy Sewing!


  1. Shower stall is a cheap way to get whiteboards...the board can be cut to size...many of the home stores carry it in stock


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