Fall Cleaning!

Hello All,

I know it is traditional to do a major cleaning during spring.  The point is to clean out all the dust, dirt and junk from the cold winter months.  But I had a thought this afternoon.  Why don't we have a fall cleaning as well. Lets get ready for the cold winter months and staying indoors more by cleaning up and getting rid of what we don't need.  I personally get a cleaning buzz during the spring and winter months.

I have been running around my house like a crazy person, cleaning out all my cupboards, making plans to organize things better, and just going through my stuff and asking myself... why am I keeping this.  It has been a great feeling just getting rid of things, and purging useless possessions.

I feel like an old school house wife buzzing around like I am.  Myself and other are kinda stuck in this weird limbo.  We are modern women wanting to do our own thing and not be trapted in the house or "settling".  At the same time, I want a nice house, and things to look pretty.  Its like we have to find a new way of running the household compared to years past.  My mom was a stay at home mom, so she had everything pretty much always taken care of, had her routines and most things down to a science.

Myself as a grad student, working full time, don't have kids but a pretty active social life.  I find myself trying to find a way to keep things, nice, neat tidy and presentable.  While at the same time having fun!

This challenge is going to be my new project.  I am going to try and find a way that I can have my life, while keeping my apartment up to snuff.  I will be posting before and after pictures as well as tips and things that I figure out along the way.

My question to you all is, do you ever feel this way?  How do you keep your life and home balanced and organized.


  1. As the stay at home Mom you spoke of, Yes that was me but not any longer. I always feel like there is one more thing to do around the house. I am pulled in the clean house or what fun project I could be doing instead of cleaning. I have developed a routine. On Friday mornings I go to work late so then is the time to pick up and vaccum the house. Washing clothes is a on going battle, daily. I pick Saturday mornings to do deep cleaning when needed like mopping and dusting and such. I think the balance is the unbalance. As soon as you get everything all shiny and pretty someone always comes along and puts a backpack on the counter.

  2. I dont have enough crap to put my crap in...after I am able to obtain such things, Ill think about it!


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