Back From the Dead

Hello All!   I am back.  Life has been crazy recently.  I finished both my teaching credential and my master's. So for now I am free.  I am back to posting.

It is winter break for my district, which means loads of down time for me.  It may sound crazy, but I really don't do well with too much time off.  I get bored and the cabin fever sets in.

To help quell my boredom, I am collecting spring clothing patterns and projects.  I have found a few so far on Merrick's Art.  If you haven't checked out the blog before, take a gander.  There are some great tutorials.

Here are a few that I found and am planning on trying.

Tunic Dress

Doman Sleeve Top
Both of these are super simple tops, made from knit cotton.  I can't wait to give them a try.  I will let you guys know how they turn out!

Here area  few more links to projects I want to try.


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